Where I live, we have a great backyard... Cherry, apple and plum trees, with tall, thick hedges providing some privacy from the neighbors. Off of the house we have a 2-level wooden deck with plenty of space to barbecue or lounge around on the patio furniture.
I spend a lot of time out there, and from the deck you have a view clear to the mountains...
Like everywhere else, there is a ton of chemtrail spraying going on over my city and the surrounding areas... Due to my newfound viewpoint from the deck, however, I have gradually become very irritated by the near-daily release of massive, thick aerosol trails across the skies, which then drift slowly downward and gradually disperse over our homes and gardens.
So I said "Fuck It" and decided to start an investigation. My feeling is that Citizens should, and do, have the right to know what is being released in the skies over the country that they built and continue to build. We - people - are the Government...Or at least, that's the idea...
This investigation consists of Three Questions. They are:
1. Who is in control of the airspace over my city, i.e. who is allowing the large-scale spraying that is taking place?
2. What is being sprayed?
3. Why is it being sprayed?
Straightforward stuff...
I started with my first question last week. First I called that O-Canada phone number and asked them Question One. They said that it would likely be the Municipality. When I called the City, they said that it should be the Feds: Either Transport Canada or Enviro Canada. I called TC Media Relations and they were a little stumped. So they said they would get back to me.
The next day, I received this email from Transport Canada, titled 'Contrails from Aircraft'.
 McNulty, Brad | Hi Nathan, After some discussion here we recommend that you contact NavCan to... |
| 9 Jul (8 days ago) |
 McNulty, BradLoading... | 9 Jul (8 days ago) |
  McNulty, Brad to me |
| show details 9 Jul (8 days ago) |  | Reply | |  |
| hide details 9 Jul (8 days ago) |  | Reply | |  |
Hi Nathan,
After some discussion here we recommend that you contact NavCan to try and find out what planes you saw, and contact Environment Canada to find out what entrails could be coming from the passenger craft.
Good luck with your story.
Brad McNulty | Agent des Relations avec les médias\Media Relations Officer
Relations avec les médias\Media Relations 613-993-0055
Transport Canada / Place de Ville (Tour C), Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0N5
Transports Canada / Place de Ville (Tower C) Ottawa (Ontario) K1A 0N5
Government of Canada Gouvernement du Canada
tel 613-998-1931 e-mail brad.mcnulty@tc.gc.ca
  Honest Booking // CCM to Brad |
| show details 9 Jul (8 days ago) |  | Reply | |  |
| hide details 9 Jul (8 days ago) |  | Reply | |  |
Thanks Brad.
I received a phone call today from NavCan explaining that they are in fact the official administrators of all Canadian airspace. We have a dialog open and I will be co-ordinating with them and Environment Canada to see what kind of answers we can get.
I appreciate your help, regards
  Honest Booking // CCM to Brad |
| show details 11:13 (22 hours ago) |  | Reply | |  |
| hide details 11:13 (22 hours ago) |  | Reply | |  |
Hi Brad,
Hope all is well. I have just had a long conversation with NavCanada, and they explained that for any flight, commercial or otherwise, permits must be issued by the Minister of Transport for any sort of substance / objects to be released while in air.
From here, I would like to know what kind of information is available on the details of permits issued for the release of substances while in flight.
Is the information detailing the nature of permits issued available publicly? As in, if a company requested and recieved a permit to release substances in flight, would there be a public record of that?
Thanks for looking into this.
 McNulty, Brad | What is your deadline for this? Can you remind me what magazine you are writi... |
| 11:18 (22 hours ago) |
 McNulty, BradLoading... | 11:18 (22 hours ago) |
  McNulty, Brad to me |
| show details 11:18 (22 hours ago) |  | Reply | |  |
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What is your deadline for this? Can you remind me what magazine you are writing for again?
Brad McNulty | Agent des Relations avec les médias\Media Relations Officer
Relations avec les médias\Media Relations 613-993-0055
Transport Canada / Place de Ville (Tour C), Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0N5
Transports Canada / Place de Ville (Tower C) Ottawa (Ontario) K1A 0N5
Government of Canada Gouvernement du Canada
tel 613-998-1931 e-mail brad.mcnulty@tc.gc.ca
  Honest Booking // CCM to Brad |
| show details 11:30 (22 hours ago) |  | Reply | |  |
| hide details 11:30 (22 hours ago) |  | Reply | |  |
This is a feature piece - no deadline as of yet.
The magazine is Street Carnage (formerly Rage) - I am the managing editor of their print version, now in production.
So that's where it's at. We'll see where it leads!