Friday, July 17, 2009



If it isn't the Commies...

The Japs...

The Jerrys...

The Browns...

The Blacks....

The Whites...

The Vets....

The Kids...

The Old....

The Children....

...Then it's Everything.

That's where we're at, apparently, if you listen to this idiocy.

Everything - is fucked. The Planet. Us. You. Them. It.

Crisis after Crisis after....yawn...

I'm falling asleep from this shit, I really am. They are pushing it so hard that it no longer harbours a trace of Validity...

All of lies. Garbo. Not Based in Reality.

Oh wait I forgot...We're in the New Reality now!


What is actually happening - this very minute - is our Exponential Evolution...

We are on the cusp of a massive evolutionary leap, as a species. We have technology unimaginable a century ago. We have limitless resources. We have free, unlimited energy and we have unlimited access to information.

We also have a sense of spiritual and human connectedness that we as a species have never experienced....Until now.

And that scares the shit out of some people.

We are so close...and have been for a few decades now...the only thing holding us back are those who don't want to change...Who refuse to acknowledge Reality...who deny their true Nature.

All we have to do is change our Thinking....away from death profits to Life Preservation.

We can do this, people.

Be the change you want to see, and the World will follow...and that's the Truth.