Or, if not smarter - as that isn't quite the word to describe an advocate of forced abortion and steriliziation - then maybe, more Sophisticated...
Sophistication implies education... rationality...cynicism...cold and calculated.

v. so·phis·ti·cat·ed, so·phis·ti·cat·ing, so·phis·ti·cates
1. To cause to become less natural, especially to make less naive and more worldly.
2. To make impure; adulterate.
3. To make more complex or inclusive; refine.
"To cause to become less Natural" - I like that.
Before I knew much of anything about language, I thought being sophisticated was a good thing. Certainly, sophistication is presented as an admirable quality in our ailing society...
But the Truth is: The further we pull away from our true Nature, the easier it becomes to justify murder, assault and barbarity...
We can rationalize anything. We can calculate our profits, drenched in blood, unperturbed.
Everyone, at one time or another, will be forced to choose between Rationality and Humanity...
Between Integrity and Corruption...
When you find yourself at the line, here's hoping you make the right choice.