Our elders have spent generations building a place worth living - a place where we are free to speak our minds, free to choose our own destiny...A place where compassion trumps vengeful thinking...
Where the possibility of a peaceful Today is very real and sustainable.
We have fucked up along the way, and we have triumphed... More than anything, we have learned...And are still learning.
Our generation is tasked with one hell of a fight: The removal of excessive corporate power and influence from our society.
I am not an anti-Capitalist. Corporations have a role in our society; that place is one of service, community investment, and worker support.
When the Corporation becomes self-serving, ruthless, inhuman, murderous - that's when we need to realize exactly what it has become...And in turn take the necessary steps to kill it Dead.
So... Money.
All the needless wars, all the jobs lost, all the medical care denied, all the debt, all the twisted science and horrendous logic, all the suffering and ineptitude...
All this nonsense can be cured...by stopping the flow of the Money.
War...is Money.
Whoever is financing one or both sides is doing very well, believe me...
This means that if you can somehow stop the Money, you can stop the War. You can stop all the garbage you witness on a daily basis, if you only take the time to really Decide where your money goes...
There is currently a growing boycott of Israeli goods underway, worldwide. It began in earnest during the butchering of 1500 or so Palestinian civilians during Operation Kill Em All back in January. I think the boycott is a great idea; Israel is one shitbox of a Corporation.
The Corporation that is America, not to be confused with the beautiful country and formidable people of the United States, is also a murderous, blood-soaked, racist piece of Garbage Corporation. It is an enterprise of savagery and exploitation.
Bureaucracy is Money. The paychecks stop and the Department dies...
Murder on a National Scale is money. Why do you think people join the Military? For Glory, for Service? If that was true then they wouldn't need signing bonuses to populate the killing fields.
Once upon a time, when there was at least the Illusion of something worth Dying For, some kids joined for Glory...
But now the illusion has vanished. We can see the writing on the wall....
And that's why it was time for The Big One and Homeland Security and Patriot Acts and Freedom Fries...As well as an orchestrated cultural shift reflecting the need for Savagery and Meat-Porn in our contemporary world....But for all their sinister attempts...The Plan? It's not really working.
Straight Up? We - the people - need to take the power back. Literally, take it.
One by one or a million at a time...